Sunday, January 6, 2013

Day 101 - Healthier Hash and Eggs

Healthier Hash and Egg

I had lots of leftovers in my fridge and freezer, and so after some Googling and pondering, I  decided that all added up to eggs and hash for brunch today!  Hash is not something I grew up eating, but I love the combination of potatoes, veggies, and meat.  Of course, hash of any sort is usually terrible for you - all that sausage, butter, bacon, and cheese.  Delicious, but fattening.

Now, I would not claim that this recipe for hash is "healthy," but it is certainly a lightened version of the traditional.  I served it with fruit and whole wheat English muffins, and felt very little guilt.  I'll also pack some for lunch tomorrow - I'll include the potato mixture, some eggs cooked in muffin tins, and fruit. Knowing my day tomorrow, though, I'll likely not have time to snap a what you see above is what you get!

The below recipe is pretty spicy in order to make up for the lack of salt and fat.  You're welcome to make it as spicy or non-spicy as you want, according to your tastes.  Adding a little extra salt probably won't kill you, either. :)

Healthier Hash and Eggs

20 oz refridgerated shredded hash browns
1/2 lb turkey kielbasa, chopped or sliced into bite sized pieces
6 medium eggs
2 cups frozen fajita veggies (bell pepper and onion; feel free to use fresh as well, it's just  more work to chop!)
1-3 T Louisiana Hot Sauce (or whatever brand you like; start with 1 T and add to taste)
1 t garlic
Cooking Spray

 Spray a large, non-stick skillet with cooking spray; place on stove over medium heat and add kielbasa.  Cook, stirring frequently, until kielbasa has browned.  While kielbasa is cooking, chop peppers and onions into smaller, confetti sized pieces.  Remove kielbasa and set aside.  There should be some fat rendered and left in the pan; to be really healthy, discard.  To be as flavorful as possible, leave in pan.

Use any cooking spray necessary and add fajita veggies and garlic.  Stir until wilted, and then add potatoes.  Cook over medium heat for about 10 minutes, flipping to make sure all sides are browned.  Stir in kielbasa and hot sauce and continue to cook until potatoes are the desired level of crispiness, for as long as 20 more minutes.

When ready to serve, turn heat to low.  In a seperate pan, cook eggs any style (I'd recommend sunny side up or poached - I love those oozing yolks!).  Divide hash onto 6 separate serving dishes and top with one egg each.  Serve immediately!

If you're not serving 6 at a time, the hash keeps well in the fridge to be reheated on the stove throughout the week.  Pin It Now!

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